Thursday, 31 January 2013

Good News!

I'm back! ready to entertain you again with my delightfully irregular and irrelevant blog! i have recently had to blog for work, its all been very serious talking about such things as learning management systems, root cause analysis, the importance of porn in the work-place, food safety and our inter-office weight loss competition, which I am kicking (fat) arse(s) at! So it'll make a nice change to talk about nothing, look at pictures of dogs in hats and make up some incredible lies.

We've come to a common place in my blogs here, i call it the "i've decided to write a blog and got a nice first paragraph but don't know where to go from here" point. It actually happens more often than you'd think, there are hundreds of un-published blogs that have got this far then i give up. I always liked the idea of being a writer but 99% of the time i cant do it so its kind of ruled out as a career option.

The main reason I was inspired (ha inspired, i'm actually wasting time at work) to write this blog is because of the following status i spied on facebook.....

I realise, this blog isn't the kind of blog they are looking for but I now have a burning ambition to interview a great touring band, i guess you could say it's been my lifelong ambition. You may say that my lifelong ambition was to go on the gong show. But I already did that.... we got more gongs than the break-dancing robot that caught fire. 

But this is more than that, just think how amazing it would be to interview a great touring band and find out if they too find dogs in hats entertaining, to ask them if they also think monkeys should be given free cigarette's just because they look so good when they smoke! whether or not jose mourinho confuses them (sexually) and if they also claim that things that happened to homer simpson happened to them (partly because its funny when other people believe it and partly because they too are convinced that homer simpsons life is based on their own) and the thing i need to know more than anything else from these great touring bands is..... have they seen starship troopers.

 it's a great film. 

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