Monday, 22 July 2013

Broken News!

So I started writing this blog by accident and now i've become a royal publicist by accident. Around 5 minutes ago I recieved a rather important text. it said....

You have heralded the arrival of a future king of England. And have done so by naming it Doylecunt.

So I am proud to be the first one to break the news in this press release and tell you all that Prince William and his missus have had a baby king and decided to call it Doylecunt.

Everyone is fit and healthy and the sweepstake winner took home a handsome £23 for guessing the correct weight of the baby.

For those who are interested the etymolygy it's actually quite interesting with this name.

the name itself has come together over many hundreds of years through a wide and varied history.

Doy is an old yiddish word for jewish.

l'ecu is ancient french for the european currency unit

and nt is a medievel silicon valley word for network (quite a common name in the late 90's with Bill Gates' third son Windows nt gates probably being the most famous person using that name)

So as you can see the meaning of the name Doylecunt is actually Jewish currency network which for me is conclusive proof that the New world order have infultrated the english royal family and his actual surname is Rothschild.

All hail baby king Doylecunt

Monday, 8 July 2013

Glastonbury is good for the soul

Glastonbury is good for the soul” I think I said that or maybe Ste said that. Either way on the Sunday afternoon of the festival we were sat waiting for macca to get served at a bar in the sunshine taking in where we were. Whoever said it though they were right…

It's generally just a better place, i've come back with a spring in my step and still over a week later it's there. I care about things more, I want to do more and generally I just feel better. That's what glastonbury does to me, it really is good for the soul! 

But I go on about it enough, there's the blog I wrote last time, which will do it more justice than whatever I write here so this time I wont do my usual gushing glasto i love you routine for once. this time i'm gonna talk about the bands i saw, or at least the bands i remember seeing, there are lots of bands i saw bits of as i was passing and lots i saw when i was wrecked, what i am gonna do is pick out the ones that stood out for me, both good and bad and also not bands too, there were comedians and jugglers and trapeze artists and awesome food and this one portaloo that was pristinely clean. infact i cant be bothered to even right a full blog about each individual thing that i saw, i'll ramble on for too long. lets just say the festival was amazing, chic, foals and ed harcourt all blew me away with how amazing they were. cat power and pictish trail reminded me that I can still find stuff that I haven't listened to before that is class and makes me want to go and discover more about them and other bands too. Billy Bragg makes me want to be a better person. And I saw the The Rolling fucking Stones, it was mint. 

I am going to leave you with my attempt at an actual proper music review though.

So there was this pristine portaloo i found. for those of you haven't been to a festival before you maybe wont understand what a joyous experience this is 3 days into a festival. It was a beautiful moment just near the other stage. I walked up to the row of toilets with trepidation but then I opened the door and looking back at me was a freshly cleaned portaloo, shining plastic and that chemical smell you only get from industrial detergent. I stepped in and sat down and then in the background I heard a cheer as the surprise act walked on to the other stage. Beady fucking Eye, there I was in the midst of one of the rarest and most joyous festival experiences, a clean toilet and sound-tracking this for me were Beady Eye putting in a performance that Q described as 4 out of 5 but that I could only describe as.... actually give me a minute, so we have something to compare it to. Following them was something a little different from Liam Gallaghers lost swagger and fake bravado. Next up were The Hives. I saw them at the first festival I ever went to over ten years ago. That day lead singer Pelle Almqvist told the crowd how good they were and he was right. He walked on stage and welcomed everyone to the hives festival "I would like to thank all the bands that have supported us both before and after" (a phrase I have repeated many times over the last ten years in my attempt at a swedish accent, it tends to sound dutch which is impressive as i cant for the life of me do a dutch accent) I was a little nervous as they came on stage, they couldn't be as exciting as i remembered, they definitely couldn't be as funny as i remembered. I've been telling the story of that gig for over ten years. I've built it up too much. But that's the thing with The Hives, it doesn't matter how much you build them up Pelle will build them up even more. And he is right. they were fucking awesome, they were exciting, they were funny. THEY HAD FUCKING NINJAS FOR ROADIES! 

Beady Eye ruined my shit!