Wednesday, 29 June 2011

glastonbury i love you

well its been a while since i wrote a blog. guess i've had other things on my mind, but over the last week or so i went to the one place i love more than any where else. this was gonna be like a diary of my time there but has kinda turned into a love letter to it, using this year as an example of why i love it so much.

4 years ago after i'd had a few shit things happen to me a friend loaned me the money and convinced me to buy a ticket to glastonbury festival of performing arts. this is without doubt the best thing anyone has ever done for me and i will never be able to thank her enough for that. my first night there i fell in love with the place. every minute i have spent there since i have loved it a little more. 

when you are there everything is different, the real world doesnt matter as much. i can hear people now, as they are reading this, saying "its only a music festival, whats the fuss". i used to be one of those people, i used to say i couldnt be arsed going all that way, sitting on a bus all that time just for a festival. but its more, its another world, you get caught up in another way of life, a better way of life. 

so lets fast forward to this year, yeah theres been a few shit things happen, but i'm not gonna dwell on that, its been worse for others and lot of the shit i have only watched from the outside, and in the great scheme of things i'm pretty lucky, but lets just say i was in need of a trip to my favourite place, to forget it all and immerse myself in a better way of life. the day we were leaving i was worried i had built it up too much. it couldnt be this good, it couldnt sort out my head. 

it did. i had so much fun with some of my best friends, saw things i never thought i would see. on wednesday i laughed so much it hurt my face, and it still does now. it was amazing, i did things i cant  do in the real world and totally let go. i am now closer to some people. have shared moments with people that will go to the grave with me, and there's moments i still cant remember. i was witness to the world high 5 record attempt and saw someone fall over for not joining in. i watched the sun rise over the most beautiful view there is, showed people places they never even imagined existed. i was so happy i cried. laughed some more and realised that it will all be ok, that the shit stuff that happens in the real world happens and i move on from it. i met new people and talked through the night. i saw the possibly the best gig i have ever seen and had possibly the best day i have ever had. and the only days and gigs that come close have happened at glasto too. this year i saw only a few bands and was lucky with nearly all of them. i wont go into the details of everything here. there's no need. glastonbury is different for everyone that goes.  for some people the mud and the camping might be too much, and thats a real shame.but for those who can handle roughing it a bit. ignore how much i go on about it. ignore where i say is the best place to go. just go and find out for yourself, cos you might end up wiriting a silly emotional blog, with tears in your eyes as you listen back and realise its 728 days before you go back to the place where everything is right. 

thank you amy x