so my mate sam has just started a blog. him telling me about his blog, made me check out doing one myself.
i have nothing of real interest to write about. i'm not a very good writer. and at a push i could probably do 20 press ups (or if you are american.... push ups)
this will more likely than not be the only post i ever put in this blog. so i might as well make it a good'un.
Romeo Challenger was the second drummer in the band Showaddywaddy. Contrary to popular belief he is not the father of professional footballer Dion Dublin. However he is close friends with Dion's father Eddie, who is also a professional drummer.
I have been to flamingo land and lightwater valley but never to alton towers. you got a problem with that?
this is a picture of a monkey smoking a cigar. i like to think its what i would look like if i were a cigar smoking monkey